US Shifts Focus to Ukraine, Delays Military Supplies to Other Nations

Instead, these assets should be sent to Ukraine, which urgently needs more air defense capacity in its military, Kirby said.

The administration has decided to hold back, at least for now, some military hardware delivery to Ukraine so that it can focus on shoring up the country's air defenses. — The White House national security spokesman, John Kirby, said Thursday that for urgent needs in Kiev, the US made a "challenging but essential" decision to delay previously planned arms sales of missiles for Patriot and NASAMS air defense systems to other countries.

Instead, these assets should be sent to Ukraine, which urgently needs more air defense capacity in its military, Kirby said.


He said the delay had been communicated to the impacted countries—though he wouldn't identify which ones—and added that the orders would get filled, just not necessarily on schedule.

The decision was first made public a couple of days ago by none other than US President Joe Biden during a joint press briefing with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the G7 summit held in Italy.


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