Engaged with India, other nations on importance of equal treatment for members of all religious communities, says US

“We have engaged many countries, including India, on the importance of equal treatment for members of all religious communities,” said the State Department Spokesperson, Matthew Miller, in his daily news briefing on Monday.

The Biden administration is highly committed to upholding and supporting universal respect for religious freedom and has engaged a good number of countries, including India, on the importance of fair treatment for all religious groups, a senior US official said.

“We have engaged many countries, including India, on the importance of equal treatment for members of all religious communities,” said the State Department Spokesperson, Matthew Miller, in his daily news briefing on Monday.


Miller made these remarks in response to a question concerning a New York Times article titled "Strangers in Their Own Land: Being Muslim in Modi’s India," which claims that India's large Muslim community is raising their families amid fear and uncertainty.

When asked if US officials had discussed these issues with their Indian counterparts, Miller replied, "I won’t speak to private diplomatic conversations but we are deeply committed to promoting and protecting universal respect for the right to freedom of religion or belief all around the world."


The article, released over the weekend, indicated that India's secular structure and vibrant democracy had been undermined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi since he took office.

India has repeatedly dismissed such charges as based on "misinformation and flawed understanding" of the country.


Prime Minister Modi has stated that he has never spoken against minorities and that the BJP has "not just today but never" acted against them. However, he emphasized that he does not recognize anyone as "special citizens."

Modi's comments, made in an interview with PTI Videos on Sunday, are his most direct remarks on minorities amid opposition claims that his campaign speeches are divisive and polarizing.


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