Union IT and Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Thursday shared a video, shot on a 'Make in India' iPhone, where he is seen explaining to Apple CEO Tim Cook how the country is transforming the way people travel.
The minister showed Cook the image of a bridge, which is taller than Eiffel Tower, that connects to Kashmir.
"This bridge is about 30 metres taller compared to the Eiffel Tower. By December, we will be running the train over the bridge," Vaishnaw told Cook.
"We recently commissioned the railway track over it and we will be running a Vande Bharat train on it by December," he added.
Also read | Tim Cook inaugurates Apple Saket Delhi store amid huge crowd
Cook earlier met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister of State for Electronics and IT, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, and discussed how to boost local manufacturing and iPhone exports, along with even tripling investments in the country.