Tamil superstar Vijay, known for his recent film 'Leo' and upcoming release 'The Goat Life,' has decided to step away from cinema to pursue his political career. He announced the formation of his political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, with plans for his party members to contest in the 2026 elections in Tamil Nadu.
Vijay mentioned the political situation in Tamil Nadu, highlighting issues such as a dysfunctional administration, corrupt political culture, and divisive politics. In an official statement, he expressed the need for political power to effectively engage in social work.
The actor met with Class 10 and 12 students and provided aid to those affected by recent floods in Chennai. In his statement, Vijay emphasized the longing for change in the political scenario and the desire for a selfless, honest, secular, and talented party in Tamil Nadu.
Vijay revealed his decision to contest in the 2026 state legislative assembly elections and aims to bring about the desired political transformation sought by the people of Tamil Nadu. He assured that the party's policies, manifestos, strategies, and programs would be unveiled upon the approval of the election ordinance.
Vijay stated that politics is not just a profession for him but a sacred duty to the people. He pledged to complete his ongoing project without affecting his political service and embark on a journey to serve the people of Tamil Nadu fully, without distractions. Vijay's announcement signals a significant shift in his career as he focuses on political endeavors.
(With Agency Inputs)
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