In a recent episode of 'Bigg Boss 17', a controversy emerged between contestants Munawar Faruqui and Mannara Chopra. The issue arose when housemates playfully referred to Mannara as 'bhabhi' (sister-in-law), suggesting a romantic connection between her and Munawar. Upset by this, Mannara clarified to Munawar that she has no romantic interest in him and requested him to address the situation.
Mannara expressed her discomfort with people making fun of her name and being called 'Bhabhi.' She emphasized that she didn't like it and was concerned about the perception created by such remarks, especially with cameras around.
Munawar reassured Mannara that he has always treated her as a good friend and clarified that he does not view their relationship romantically. He acknowledged Mannara's discomfort and suggested addressing the issue with others to avoid such jokes in the future.
The incident highlights the challenges and misunderstandings that can arise within the confined environment of reality shows like 'Bigg Boss.' The contestants' interactions and the impact of their words on others are closely observed, leading to moments of tension and clarification.
(With Agency Inputs)
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