Ukrainian Saboteurs Trained by Britain Foiled in Kherson Region: Russian Authorities

Reportedly, one Ukrainian soldier was captured alive during the operation. The captured soldier confirmed that the saboteurs had indeed received training in Britain.

According to Russian authorities, an attempted landing by Ukrainian sabotage groups in the Kherson region has been foiled. Allegedly, these groups were trained in Britain and the operation was orchestrated by British special services. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Russian Defence Ministry collaborated to thwart this attempt, as reported by a statement from the FSB on Thursday, as cited by Xinhua news agency.

Reportedly, one Ukrainian soldier was captured alive during the operation. The captured soldier confirmed that the saboteurs had indeed received training in Britain.


The FSB further stated that the Special Boat Service, a British maritime special forces unit, is overseeing activities within the Ukrainian military related to such operations. This suggests direct involvement of the UK in the ongoing conflict.

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