Secretary Blinken Highlights China's Support for Russia, Criticizes Hamas for Ceasefire Delay

He also criticized Hamas for delaying a ceasefire by making demands beyond what President Joe Biden had outlined in the plan.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken asserted on Tuesday that the latest round of sanctions imposed by Washington on Russia and entities in other nations aims to diminish Russia’s defense industrial capabilities.

He also criticized Hamas for delaying a ceasefire by making demands beyond what President Joe Biden had outlined in the plan.


Regarding the new sanctions against Russia, Blinken emphasized their purpose "to maintain pressure so that the aggression stops immediately."

“Among other things, we’re looking at countries that are supporting Russia’s defence industrial base, which is allowing Russia to continue the war, including China… As the President has made clear, we have a real concern, not with weapons being supplied by China to Russia, that’s not what they are doing. What they are doing, as you’ve heard me discuss many times, is providing critical support to Russia’s defence industrial base.” Blinken explained during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.


He further highlighted that “Some 70 per cent of the machine tools that Russia is importing are coming from China, 90 per cent of the microelectronics are coming from China. This has enabled Russia to keep its defence industrial base going, to keep the war machine going, to keep the war going. So that has to stop."

Blinken also addressed concerns about North Korea providing substantial military supplies to Russia and Iran supplying weaponry, including drones, used against civilians and infrastructure.


“All these are countries of concern,” he said, but added that the focus was on China “not in terms of providing weapons, but in providing what Russia needs to keep its defence industrial base going and to produce more tanks, more munitions, and more missiles”.

Regarding US assistance to Ukraine, Blinken mentioned efforts beyond the supplemental aid, referencing discussions at the G7 summit and efforts to utilize seized Russian assets in Europe to provide Ukraine with approximately $50 billion in additional support.


Discussing the situation in Gaza and US-Israeli relations, he underlined that “Remember that our security relationship with Israel goes well beyond Gaza."

“Israel is facing a multiplicity of threats and challenges, including in the north from the Hezbollah, from Iran, from the Houthis in the Red Sea, from various groups that are aligned against Israel, and in many cases, beholden to Iran. So, the President was very clear, from day one, that he will do everything he can to make sure that Israel has everything it needs to defend itself from the threats.” Blinken affirmed.


He also acknowledged ongoing reviews, including concerns over the use of 2,000-pound bombs in densely populated areas like Rafah.

 “big part in providing this assistance to Israel is that it has a strong deterrent which is the best way to avoid more conflict, avoid more war, to prevent what we are seeing in Gaza from spreading to more areas”. he assured.


Regarding ceasefire negotiations, Blinken noted broad international support for President Biden's plan, except from Hamas, which returned with additional demands beyond the agreed terms.

“We are seeing if we can bridge the gap… I am confident that we can bridge the gaps, so long as Hamas does not shift the goalposts again,” Blinken said.


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