Pakistan: Muslim mob sets Christian man's house on fire over alleged blasphemy

Local reports described how violence escalated when an infuriated mob barged into Mujahid Colony, a settlement inhabited mostly by Christian families. The mob assaulted a Christian family, ransacked his house, and set his belongings on fire, including a shoe factory running in the house.

A Christian man in Sargodha, Pakistan, became a victim of a lynching mob on Saturday when he received serious injuries and his house was set ablaze on accusations of blasphemy.

Local reports described how violence escalated when an infuriated mob barged into Mujahid Colony, a settlement inhabited mostly by Christian families. The mob assaulted a Christian family, ransacked his house, and set his belongings on fire, including a shoe factory running in the house.


Some videos on social media show the injured man lying helplessly on the ground as the thrashing goes on. Some people are even seen throwing stones at him.

The situation was brought under control as police intervened and dispersed the mob, shifting the injured to a nearby hospital. In the meantime, other helpless families were also rescued.


Regional Police Officer Shariq Kamal confirmed the police response and said, "We have shifted the injured to a hospital and also taken into custody several suspects involved in the incident."

"The incident occurred over an incident of alleged desecration,"  confirmed Sargodha District Police Officer Asad Ejaz Malhi. He described how the scene looked when police arrived, adding that they had to rescue the affected families.


"When a heavy contingent of police reached the spot, we saw a huge crowd outside some houses. We cleared the area and took out the families safely,"  added Ejaz.

On the growing tensions, the District Peace Committee, "We have called in a District Peace Committee to review the situation and release a statement regarding the matter.District committee comprises district administration, religious scholars of Muslim and minority communities."


The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan expressed extreme concerns over the safety of the Christian community in Gillwala as the incidents of violence fueled by religious intolerance continue to occur.

The incident brought back harrowing memories of attacks on the Christian community, including one rampage in Jaranwala last August, after which the government was criticized for failing to bring the attackers to justice or to protect religious minorities.


Jibran Nasir, a politician and human rights activist, denounced the incident as a result of the government's failure to take stern measures towards religiously motivated violence. He stated,"I strongly condemn the Sardogha incident. I denounce the failure of the State to take any serious and sincere action against the perpetrators of the Jaranwala incident. It has only emboldened those who exploit religious sentiments for their criminal acts."

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