A distressing situation has unfolded in Tamil Nadu's political landscape as A. Ganeshamurthi, the prominent figure and Erode MP of the MDMK, finds himself battling for his life in a Coimbatore hospital. The reason behind this critical condition stems from an alleged suicide attempt following the disappointment of being denied a ticket for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
At 74 years old, Ganeshamurthi's family members revealed that he resorted to consuming insecticide, resulting in his current ICU admission. The decision that led to such a drastic measure reportedly arose from his exclusion from the electoral fray, a move that left him deeply disheartened.
The denial of a ticket came as a severe blow to Ganeshamurthi, particularly as it was in favor of K.E. Prakash, the youth wing leader of the DMK and a close associate of Udhayanidhi Stalin, the son of Chief Minister M.K. Stalin and the state Sports and Youth Affairs Minister. This decision by the DMK alliance further exacerbated Ganeshamurthi's distress, as he was hoping for a different outcome, particularly after MDMK chief Vaiko had appealed for a change of seat from Erode to Tiruchi, which was ultimately granted to his son, Durai Vaiko.
The immense stress resulting from this political setback has evidently taken a toll on Ganeshamurthi's well-being, underscoring the profound emotional investment individuals often have in the political arena.
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