A tragic incident unfolded on Thursday as a Border Security Force (BSF) trooper lost his life in an unprovoked attack by Pakistan Rangers along the International Border (IB) in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).
The incident occurred at approximately 12:20 a.m. when Pakistan Rangers initiated unprovoked firing at the Narayanpur post of the BSF in the Ramgarh sector of Samba district.
In response to the aggression, BSF forces launched a counteroffensive, resulting in an exchange of gunfire between the two sides. During this exchange, BSF's head constable, Lal Farnn Kima, sustained injuries from the Pakistani firing. Swiftly, Kima was evacuated to a community hospital in Ramgarh and then referred to the government medical college (GMC) hospital in Jammu city for specialized medical care. Tragically, despite all efforts, Kima succumbed to his severe injuries on the way to the GMC hospital.
This marks the third violation of the ceasefire by Pakistan Rangers along the International Border within the past 10 days, highlighting the ongoing security challenges in the region.
(With agency inputs)
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