Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao is a 'Thor' superfan by his own admission. The actor is mind blown by the filmy avatar of Thor in his fourth MCU solo film 'Thor: Love and Thunder'. The actor shared his thoughts and liking about the superhero in a special video where he can be seen lauding the film in the classic tapori style.
Selling an "Ek Ka Teen," Rao then praises Thor, saying he's a three-in-one superhero with romance, comedy, and mind-bending action skills and adds that the movie is set to give viewers jaw-dropping reactions.
Elaborating his love for 'Thor: Love and Thunder', Rao said, "Thor is the most filmy Avenger of them all! When I watched Thor: Love and Thunder, all I could think of was how perfectly it combined drama, action, romance, and comedy. I was thoroughly entertained and I remember laughing so hard during the film. It is a classic entertainer - Chris Hemsworth has done absolute justice to the role."
Directed by Taika Waititi from a screenplay by Waititi and Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, 'Thor: Love and Thunder' is set to premiere on Disney+ Hotstar in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and English.
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Kevin Feige and Brad Winderbaum have produced the movie along with Louis D'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Brian Chapek, Todd Hallowell, and Chris Hemsworth as executive producers.