'The Crown,' a beloved British historical drama series, finds itself embroiled in a storm of controversy, with recent accusations centering on the distortion of historical truths. Specifically, the show has been criticized for fabricating Mohamed Al-Fayed's involvement in orchestrating Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed's relationship, a claim vehemently refuted by Michael Cole.
Director Peter Morgan's opulent depiction often suggests that Al-Fayed, the late Egyptian business magnate, played a pivotal role in engineering the romance between Diana and Dodi, purportedly driven by his aspirations for British citizenship. However, this portrayal contradicts historical evidence dating back to 1997.
Cole, the former spokesperson for Al-Fayed, has publicly and repeatedly denied any involvement or knowledge of his ex-boss orchestrating the relationship between Diana and Dodi, or having any part in publicizing their liaison by commissioning photographs of the couple.
In an interview with Deadline, Cole emphasized that while 'The Crown' is described by Netflix and the production company as "dramatised fiction," he doesn't dispute this characterization, implying that the series is essentially a work of fiction.
Regarding the insinuation of Al-Fayed's role in the relationship, Cole dismissed it as "total nonsense." He further elucidated, stating, "Mohamed was a remarkable man in many ways. He was pleased that his eldest son and Diana, a dear friend to his family, were together. But manipulating their feelings? That was beyond even his great abilities."
Given Al-Fayed's passing in August at the age of 94, Cole humorously remarked that his former boss, known for his candid and forthright manner, would have had strong opinions about 'The Crown' and its portrayal of events under the guise of creative liberty.
(With Agency Inputs)
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