Bollywood luminary Kangana Ranaut, amidst preparations for her upcoming directorial venture 'Emergency', has responded to director Sandeep Reddy Vanga's recent remarks about potential collaboration. While graciously acknowledging the accolades bestowed upon her by the 'Animal' director, she subtly declined the prospect of working together.
Sandeep had expressed his openness to collaborating with Kangana in a recent interview, despite her previous criticism of his film 'Animal', featuring Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role. Kangana, however, declined to engage in a project with him, despite his gracious acceptance of her critique.
In response to Sandeep's statement, Kangana took to X to express her thoughts. She clarified that while reviews and criticisms are essential components of art appreciation, she appreciated Sandeep's respectful demeanor towards her viewpoint. Kangana commended his professional attitude, acknowledging his ability to handle differing opinions with grace.
However, Kangana subtly declined any future collaborations, humorously suggesting that her involvement might lead to a shift in the portrayal of alpha male heroes in Sandeep's films. She emphasized the importance of Sandeep's contributions to the industry and urged him to continue creating blockbusters.
Notably, Kangana had previously criticized 'Animal' in a post on X, expressing her disappointment with the portrayal of women in certain films. She lamented the prevalence of negative portrayals of women and hinted at potential career shifts in the future, indicating her commitment to projects aligned with women empowerment.
(With Agency Inputs)
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