US Media Urges Biden to Step Back for Democracy's Sake Amid Trump Concerns

Biden, who is bidding for a second term, stumbled through the television debate in Atlanta as nervous leading Democrats wondered if he could survive an approaching bruising month to the November 5 elections.

In the wake of Joe Biden's poor performance during the first presidential debate against Donald Trump, influential voices in American media urge the incumbent president to step aside if he truly cares about the future of American democracy and saving it from the possible return of his Republican rival.

Biden, who is bidding for a second term, stumbled through the television debate in Atlanta as nervous leading Democrats wondered if he could survive an approaching bruising months to the November 5 elections.


Trump, 78, and all but certain to be nominated by the Republican Party, clashed all the time with Biden during the 90-minute debate, substantially opined editorials and opinions and social media memes.

The New York Times Editorial Board called attention to what Joe Biden has said before: that the approaching election is a real existential challenge to American democracy. It contended that Trump presented a serious threat to democratic integrity and had spent his time in office undercutting electoral processes. The editorial politely opined that it is in the nation's interest that, although Joe Biden is sterling leadership and advances on national challenges, he not run for reelection.


A Washington Post editorial begged Biden to rethink a decision to seek reelection, saying he needed to consider whether continuing a bid would be in the nation's best interests—considering Trump's debate performance reinforced the urgency of blocking another Trump presidency.

A Los Angeles Times editorial implored Biden to reassure a jittery America that he's up for a second term, citing a debate performance at best mixed and touting his leadership beyond the debate stage in defending his record.


The Wall Street Journal enormously trashed Biden's debate performance, insisting it made clear he fits for no second term in office. It called on Democrats to consider—soberly—whether Joe Biden should continue as their presidential candidate—for the sake of the nation and not just for the party.

Both editorials of The New York Times and The Washington Post issued this kind of warning regarding both the acts and rhetoric of Trump during the debate. These editorial board members are very apprehensive about his commitment to democratic mores and prospects associated with another presidency of Trump.


In general, the editorials concentrated on very crucial decisions lying ahead for Biden and the Democratic Party while steering through the election process when there are apprehensions regarding Biden's performance and the lingering influence of Trump on American politics.

Read also | Biden Stays Resolute Amid Democratic Debate Disappointment


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