PM Modi Calls for Ending Technology Monopoly and Ensuring Universal Access at G7 Outreach Summit

Regarding energy policy, Modi outlined India’s principles of availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability. He underscored the challenges confronting the Global South, stressing their vulnerability amidst global uncertainties and tensions.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the necessity for global action to dismantle technology monopolies and ensure universal access, aiming to foster an inclusive society and reduce social disparities. Speaking at the G7 summit's Outreach session in Italy’s Apulia region, Modi pledged India's commitment to collaborate internationally in making Artificial Intelligence (AI) transparent, fair, secure, accessible, and responsible.

Regarding energy policy, Modi outlined India’s principles of availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability. He underscored the challenges confronting the Global South, stressing their vulnerability amidst global uncertainties and tensions.


India, Modi asserted, prioritizes representing the concerns of the Global South on the world stage, notably through initiatives like elevating the African Union to a permanent member of the G-20 during India's chairmanship. Modi affirmed India’s ongoing support for Africa's economic development, stability, and security.

India has considered it its responsibility to put the priorities and concerns of countries of the Global South on the world stage, he said.


“In these efforts, we have given high priority to Africa. We are proud that the G-20, under the chairmanship of India, made the African Union a permanent member,” he said.

“India has been contributing to the economic and social development, stability and security of all the countries of Africa, and will continue to do so in the future,” Modi said.


French President Emmanuel Macron commended Modi’s leadership during India’s G20 presidency, particularly highlighting India’s initiatives on AI and digital public infrastructure. US President Joe Biden acknowledged Brazil, Argentina, and India as crucial partners, particularly in mineral resources.

Modi continued to advocate for breaking technology monopolies, advocating for a human-centric approach to technology deployment. He cited India’s achievements in using digital technology for public service delivery and stressed the need for technology to be constructive rather than destructive for society’s inclusivity.


“We must make technology creative, not destructive. Only then will we be able to lay the foundation of an inclusive society. India is striving for a better future through this human-centric approach,” he said.

India, Modi noted, is among the first countries to adopt a national AI strategy, launching the AI Mission with the motto ‘AI for All’ this year. As the lead chair of the global partnership for AI, India promotes international cooperation in AI governance.


“Based on this strategy, we have launched the AI Mission this year. Its basic mantra is ‘AI for All’. As a founding member and lead chair of the global partnership for AI, we are promoting cooperation among all countries,” he said.

At the G-20 summit under India's presidency, Modi emphasized the importance of global AI governance, pledging continued cooperation to ensure AI’s transparency, fairness, security, accessibility, and responsibility.


“In the future too, we will continue to work together with all countries to make AI transparent, fair, secure, accessible and responsible,” he said.

Alluding to India’s Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), he called upon the global community to join the tree plantation campaign launched by him on World Environment Day — “Plant4Mother” (Ek Pedh Maa Ke Naam) and make it a mass movement with personal touch and global responsibility.


“We are making every possible effort to fulfill our commitment to achieve the target of Net Zero by 2070. Together we should make efforts to make the coming time a green era,” he said.

“We want to make tree plantation a mass movement with a personal touch and global responsibility. I urge all of you to join it,” he said.


Expressing satisfaction in attending the summit after his re-election, Modi underscored the significance of participating in the world’s largest democratic process.

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