Sidharth Malhotra has showered praises on his wife, actress Kiara Advani, who presents herself in bold fashion. Very recently, in an interview, he said that she comes up with "undeniably bold and adventurous" fashion. Explains furthermore, he said Kiara's fashion proves how confident she is in opting for the most recent trends and trying out vibrant hues with elaborate designs while maintaining a strong personal identity. "She is not afraid to experiment with new styles and does not fear standing out in her fashion sense," he observed.
Whereas Sidharth, popular for his performances in successful movies like Student of the Year, Ek Villain, and Shershaah, has his own style statement. He had once mentioned how his style is a little more classic with an underlying hint of masculinity. "It's all about effortless cool, not trying too hard with your style," he continued.
He further spoke about the importance of great tailoring, saying, "I believe in spending time on getting every garment tailored well."
Sidharth and Kiara's love journey:
Sidharjson and Kiara fell in love on the sets of Shershaah not too long ago in 2020. They got married in a grand wedding in Rajasthan in 2023. Sidharth started his career as a fashion model before he ventured into acting in 2012. Following that, he has acted in a series of hit movies like Hasee Toh Phasee, Kapoor & Sons, A Gentleman, and Jabariya Jodi. He has recently forayed into the digital space with the thriller series Indian Police Force, directed by Rohit Shetty and co-starring Shilpa Shetty and Vivek Oberoi.
Sidharth's understanding of Kiara's style not only emphasizes his admiration for how she dresses up but also highlights his efforts to stay suave and classy, yet effortless.
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