The co-founder and managing director of BharatPe, Ashneer Grover, revealed receiving a summons from the Delhi Police Economic Offences' Wing (EOW) following an incident at the New Delhi International Airport, where he and his wife were stopped from boarding a flight to New York due to a Lookout Circular (LoC) against them.
Expressing surprise at the situation, Grover mentioned that despite multiple international travels post the FIR filing in May, this was the first instance where such an issue occurred.
He explained that the EOW had directed immigration officials to allow them to return home. Grover asserted his willingness to cooperate with the investigation and expressed confidence in proving that he is not a flight risk, mentioning the process to remove the LoC.
The Joint Commissioner of Police (EOW), Sindhu Pillai, confirmed the airport incident but refrained from disclosing specifics due to the ongoing investigation.
Recent reports submitted by Delhi Police in the High Court alleged financial irregularities within BharatPe's operations, implicating Ashneer Grover and his family members. The reports cited questionable practices, including the use of backdated invoices by associated HR consulting firms. These entities, sharing a registered address, raised concerns regarding their legitimacy and potential conflicts of interest.
The utilization of backdated invoices raised questions not only about financial integrity but also about transparency and accountability within BharatPe's financial dealings.
Amidst these developments, Grover posted a phrase implying resilience and determination in facing challenges.
As the situation unfolds, it remains a subject of ongoing investigation by the authorities.
(With Agency Inputs)
ALSO READ | Former BharatPe CEO Ashneer Grover and Wife Stopped by Delhi Airport Authorities