Amid the ongoing violence in Afghanistan, the country witnessed the bloodiest day in a month as security forces repelled mass Taliban attacks on the capital cities of Herat, Helmand, Takhar, and Kandahar provinces, according to media reports.
Besides being the bloodiest, Friday was also one of the busiest days for the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in the past one month.
The media reports said the Taliban entered Herat province and launched attacks on Afghan government forces' outposts inside the namesake capital city.
The city's airport and the UN's main compound in the city came under attack by rocket-propelled grenades and gunfire
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"So-called 'anti-Government elements' targeted entrances of the clearly marked UN facility with rocket-propelled grenades and gunfire just hours after Taliban fighters penetrated Herat city and clashed with Afghan security forces near UNAMA's provincial headquarters," the world body said.
In this attack, an Afghan security guard was killed.
Meanwhile, the Interior Ministry said that the ANDSF launched operations during which the militans were pushed back and the district of Guzara recaptured.
The media reports also said that US Army also conducted airstrikes in support of the Afghan government forces in Herat.
On Friday, 226 Taliban insurgents were killed during the security operations.
The Ministry of Defence said the deaths were reported in Kunar, Paktia, Maidan Wardak, Kandahar, Herat, Jawzjan, Helmand, Baghlan and Kabul.
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During the incidents, another 130 Taliban were wounded and a large number of their weapons were destroyed.
In the past 24 hours, the security forces has also uncovered and defused 15 Taliban-mines from insecure areas in a number of provinces.