Drama Unfolds in 'Bigg Boss OTT 3' as Shivani, Kritika Clash Over Nominations; Vishal Advises Chandrika
A teaser that the channel shared on Instagram gives a glimpse of the episode. It is shown that the voice of Bigg Boss welcomes everyone and invites them for the Nomination Medal Distribution ceremony.
Rapper Naezy's Choice: Why He's Never Dated Revealed on ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’
On asking the rapper about his love life, Naezy said, "Well, I never dated anyone. I was waiting for the girl to whom I can finally get married.".
Bigg Boss OTT 3 Shifts Nominations: Contestants Protect Housemates Instead of Evicting
It is a task that is based on a letterbox and letters of the heart. Each of them writes letters stating why they want to protect certain friends from nomination. The feelings are running high in the house, yet it is emotional as personal messages are read out. It is glaringly evident how Vishal reacts emotionally to reading out a letter appreciating their friendship, while Sana Sultan is left shocked and overwhelmed with gratitude by this friendly gesture shown towards her, totally unexpected by her.
Controversy in 'Bigg Boss OTT 3': Armaan Malik Reacts Strongly to Vishal Pandey's Comments About Kritika Malik
Introduced by the host, Anil Kapoor, Payal—eliminated earlier from the show—confronted Vishal upfront about his disrespectful comments regarding Kritika Malik: "Your comments about Kritika are completely unacceptable! She is a wife, and at the same time, a mother. She needs respect."
‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’: Surprising Moments with Payal Malik and Shivangi Khedkar, Sai Ketan's Alleged Partner
I have come here to expose the real dynamics inside the house, and I must say I'm more disappointed," Payal said to Anil.
Anil Kapoor Signals Change with 'Ab Sab Badlega' in Latest 'Bigg Boss OTT 3’ Promo
The teaser presents the suave actor Anil Kapoor as the new face of the show, who makes an entry as the host with great panache.
Anil Kapoor Takes the Reins as Host of 'Bigg Boss OTT3' Exclusively on JioCinema
Expressing his excitement about hosting "Bigg Boss" for the first time, Kapoor exclaimed, "Bigg Boss OTT and I make a dream team! We're both youthful in spirit; while some jest that I'm reversing the ageing process, I firmly believe that Bigg Boss transcends time. It's like school all over again, a surge of energy. I'm going to give this everything I got… I've always approached every challenge with determination and dedication, and this is going to be no different.