Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut on Monday hit out at Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi, dubbing him the "most dangerous man" in the country, and trained her guns at his support of the Hindenburg Research report about SEBI chief Madhabi Puri Buch, saying he was subversive to both the nation and its economy.
In a related post on X, the BJP MP from Mandi said: "What one gathered from the reaction of the Congress party, especially Rahul Gandhi, after the release of the report, is that being denied the post of Prime Minister is what has frustrated him." "Rahul Gandhi is the most dangerous man; he is bitter, toxic, and destructive. His agenda is to destroy the nation if he cannot ascend to the Prime Minister's office," she said.
The controversial report of the US-based short-seller Hindenburg Research levelled serious allegations against SEBI chief Madhabi Puri Buch; she has strongly dismissed these as unfounded and insinuation-based. Kangana noted that it was claimed in that report to reveal major bombshells, but ultimately did nothing. She accused Rahul of making efforts to destabilize the nation's security and economic stability.
Indulging in a more personal barb, the BJP leader said, "Be ready to be in the Opposition for life. They shall never accept you as their leader.
Rahul Gandhi had asked a fortnight ago, in a video message released on Sunday evening, Prime Minister Narendra Modi to institute a JPC probe into grave allegations against the SEBI chief. He said that now an accusation of a high-level probe was leveled, he wondered why the SEBI chief was not resigning in the wake of that "damning" report and sought accountability from her and the Prime Minister on losses being faced by a majority of the small investors.
"It is my responsibility as Leader of the Opposition to alert you that the Indian stock market is at risk due to compromised institutions. This is a grave allegation. Why hasn't SEBI chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch stepped down yet?" Rahul said in his video message.
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