Kourtney Kardashian joins the cast of 'She's All That' remake

The eldest Kardashian sister has reportedly joined the cast of the upcoming movie "He's All That" for a cameo appearance. Kourtney who's also Addison's newest best friend will be playing the role of Jessica Miles Torres in a guest role.

The eldest Kardashian sister has reportedly joined the cast of the upcoming movie "He's All That" for a cameo appearance. 

The movie is a gender-swapped remake of 1999 popular teen comedy She's All That starring Rachael Leigh and Freddie Prinze Jr. 
The remake features Tik Tok star Addison Rae as the female lead, playing the role of Padgett, a famous high-school influencer who decides to transform a nerdy boy into prom king after being dumped by her boyfriend. 
Kourtney who's also Addison's newest best friend will be playing the role of Jessica Miles Torres in a guest role. 
Kourtney shared a picture via her instagram account with the caption, "studying @hesallthatmovie". 
