Actress Divya Agarwal, renowned for her appearances on reality shows like 'MTV Splitsvilla 10,' 'Bigg Boss OTT 1,' and 'MTV Ace of Space 1,' has shared her thoughts on the ongoing reality series 'Temptation Island India,' acknowledging it as her latest indulgence for guilty pleasure viewing.
While Divya and her fiancé Apurva were approached for the show, they declined, deeming the concept overwhelming. Nonetheless, she expressed her enjoyment of the show, likening it to her experiences on 'Splitsvilla,' highlighting the participants' impressive performances.
According to Divya, the show's concept might not align entirely with Indian sensibilities, but she commended the production quality, emphasizing the excellent execution by the show's makers. She praised the hosting duo, Mouni Roy and Karan Kundrra, for their adept handling of the show.
Among the contestants, Divya revealed her fondness for Nishank and Chetna, both of whom she shares a close friendship with off-screen. She anticipates discussing their experiences on the show once it concludes, particularly intrigued by Nishank's actions, assuming he would commit to marrying Chetna post-show.
Describing Chetna as lively and funny, Divya highlighted how the show's format might lead to misunderstandings, noting that Chetna's perceptions within the villa might differ from reality, which she believes will become clearer once the show concludes.
Divya also shared her prediction that Nidhi might not opt to continue her journey with her current partner, adding to the intrigue surrounding the evolving dynamics on the show.
'Temptation Island India' is available for streaming on JioCinema, attracting viewers with its engaging and dramatic storyline, capturing Divya's attention among others.
(With Agency Inputs)
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