European Union to now offer online visas for border-free Schengen area

The upcoming EU visa application platform is set to revolutionize the application experience. Travellers can conveniently submit their applications online, accompanied by the necessary documents and payment of visa fees. This not only simplifies the process for applicants but also enhances the responsiveness and efficiency of national administrations.

Travellers planning to explore the European Union's (EU) border-free Schengen area can look forward to a streamlined visa application process, thanks to two recently approved regulations by the EU Council. This move towards digitization has garnered praise from Fernando Grande-Marlaska Gomez, Spain's acting minister of interior, who highlights the significant benefits for both citizens and administrative processes.

The upcoming EU visa application platform is set to revolutionize the application experience. Travellers can conveniently submit their applications online, accompanied by the necessary documents and payment of visa fees. This not only simplifies the process for applicants but also enhances the responsiveness and efficiency of national administrations.


While the digital platform is a major leap forward, in-person applications at consulates remain a requirement for first-time applicants, individuals with outdated biometric data, and those with new travel documents. The traditional visa sticker will be replaced by a secure, cryptographically signed barcode on the digital platform, mitigating security risks associated with counterfeit and stolen stickers.

Amid migration and security challenges, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic impacting visa processing, the European Commission proposed digitalizing visa procedures in April 2022. The regulations, set to take effect 20 days after publication in the Official Journal of the EU, mark a pivotal step in modernizing and expediting the visa application process.


As the technical aspects of the new platform and digital visa are finalized, the implementation date will be determined, promising a more efficient and secure era for those seeking to explore the Schengen area.

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