Anand Mahindra Extends Job Offer to Quick-Thinking Girl Who Used Alexa to Thwart Monkey Attack

Facing a perilous situation, the girl ingeniously commanded Alexa to emit sounds resembling a barking dog, effectively frightening off the intruding monkey from her sister's residence. This quick thinking and resourcefulness led to the successful protection of both siblings.

Chairman Anand Mahindra of the Mahindra Group extended a job offer to a courageous girl who recently displayed remarkable presence of mind in Uttar Pradesh's Basti district. The 13-year-old girl bravely defended herself and her younger sister from a monkey attack using Amazon's virtual assistant, Alexa.

Facing a perilous situation, the girl ingeniously commanded Alexa to emit sounds resembling a barking dog, effectively frightening off the intruding monkey from her sister's residence. This quick thinking and resourcefulness led to the successful protection of both siblings.


Expressing his admiration for the girl's actions, Anand Mahindra emphasized the role of technology as an empowering tool for human creativity. He highlighted the significance of individuals harnessing technology to overcome challenges, citing this incident as a testament to human ingenuity.

Mahindra praised the girl's potential for leadership, particularly in a world characterized by constant change and uncertainty. He expressed his hope that she would consider a future in the corporate sector, extending an invitation for her to join the Mahindra Group after completing her education.


In his tweet, Mahindra underscored the company's commitment to nurturing talent and embracing innovation, hinting at the possibility of providing a platform for the girl to further develop her skills and contribute to the organization's endeavors

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