Bharti Airtel, on Monday, said its net profit soared in the April-June quarter to ₹4,160 crore, up 158 per cent year-on-year. Revenue rose to ₹38,506 crore, a rise of 2.8 per cent over the same period last year. Airtel's quarterly revenue from operations in India stood at ₹29,046 crore, a rise of 10.1%, helped by strong and consistent growth across all its offerings.
Airtel added 0.8 million new subscribers in Q1 2025 alone to drive its total customer base up to 24 million. Its smartphone market share increased significantly as it added 29.7 million subscribers, an increase of 12.9 percent YoY.
Strong additions in 4G and 5G customers, improvement in customer mix, and resultant increase in ARPU, helped Airtel's mobile services revenue in India, which was up 10.5 per cent year on year. ARPU at ₹211 for this quarter against ₹200 in Q1 FY24. Gopal Vittal, MD of Bharti Airtel, has reiterated several times that an ARPU of over ₹300 is needed if the sector has to be financially sustainable.
Vittal called the quarter steady, with sequential revenue growth from India coming in at 1.9 per cent and EBITDA margins continuing to broaden to 53.7 per cent. The company's Wi-Fi services—FTTH and FWA—have been expanded to over 1,300 cities. Airtel renewed its expiring spectrum in six circles in the latest spectrum auction and augmented its sub-giga hertz and mid-band holdings in key areas with an investment of ₹6,857 crore.
Further, Airtel has installed 6,300 new towers and 15,500 mobile broadband stations this quarter for connectivity and quality improvement. Stable revenue in the digital TV segment, with customer count at 16.3 million as of quarter-end, has also been posted by the company.
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