B2B (business-to-business) companies generate hundreds of millions and billions in revenues per year. Since their customers are usually high-ticket, it’s important for them to secure every deal. This is only possible by setting appointments perfectly.
Yes, we know what you’re thinking. Out of all things, why did we specifically choose appointments – an administrative task? Well, there are some very good reasons for that. However, they are only applicable if you outsource your appointment-setting tasks. So, without further ado, let’s explore the advantages of outsourcing your B2B appointment setting!
1. Better Quality & Performance
Outsourcing this administrative task gives you access to a pool of talented individuals around the world. You can hire people who are highly qualified and skilled at this job. This means having a better team.
These people can easily handle all types of prospects. They communicate well, answer queries, and deal with obstacles. They would know how to calm down a client and get them to consider purchasing your product or service (e.g., booking an appointment).
2. Faster Response Time
B2B companies that are short-staffed or new to the industry have trouble with appointment scheduling. They are swarmed with too many tasks, and appointments usually fall to the bottom of the list – even though they are the key to more sales.
At times, established B2B companies also struggle with this task because their team is incompetent. This delay in communication between the company and prospects can prove to be disastrous for future sales and growth.
Outsourcing solves the problem. An external team looking after your appointments will be much faster and more dedicated than internal teams. It will keep your prospects happy and will nurture them into guaranteed customers.
3. Lower Costs
Internal teams are paid monthly salaries with bonuses and premiums (if your company offers them to other employees). They also have to be trained and developed into high-performing workers. This makes them an additional expense to the business.
Comparatively, outsourcing is much cheaper. You get instant access to experts who are already trained and don’t need monthly salaries or benefits. You can just hire them at hourly rates. For more cost efficiency, you can hire talent from third-world countries where the rates are significantly lower due to currency differences.
4. Improved Reputation
With better and faster talent, your customer dealing is going to improve a lot. Appointment scheduling is the first point in your customer’s journey. At this stage, they are a prospect who wants to explore your business.
Let’s not forget that first impressions are everything. So, if your appointment setting doesn’t go well, the prospect will think you aren't professional enough. They can even spread their opinion around and prevent other people from reaching out.
5. More Sales
Lastly, outsourcing can help you increase sales significantly. It enables you to make prospects happy and persuade them to buy, which improves monthly figures. Plus, you can also cut down the operation costs by choosing cheaper, more affordable services. This increases your overall business profits.