Security Concerns Rise for Chinese Workers in Pakistan After Recent Suicide Attack: Analysis
According to a security analyst in Pakistan, there are reports suggesting that some Chinese nationals are contemplating leaving the country due to concerns about their safety. Despite the Pakistani government's assurances to apprehend the culprits responsible for the attack, the incident has significantly undermined trust, the analyst added.
British MP Addresses Cross-Border Suppression of Sikh Community in UK Parliament
Highlighting the emergence of a "hit list" featuring several British Sikhs, Gill underscored the need for heightened security measures for "British Sikh activists." She referenced the collective apprehensions expressed by the Five Eyes intelligence alliance—comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom—regarding the actions of agents connected to India targeting Sikh activists residing in the UK.
Number of Thai nationals killed in Hamas-Israel violence rises to 18
The Ministry has also confirmed that 11 Thai nationals were also believed to have been captured, with their whereabouts unknown, CNN reported.
Californian Sikh pleads guilty to sword attack during Yuba City parade
Parmvir Singh Gosal, a resident of Tracy city, admitted last week to attempted murder and mayhem for inflicting injuries at the November 4, 2018 parade known as Nagar Kirtan, according to the Sutter County District Attorney’s Office.
Trinidadian diplomat elected UNGA president pledges to promote reconciliation
After his unanimous election by the 193-member Assembly on Thursday, Francis declared "Peace, Prosperity, Progress and Sustainability" as the theme for his tenure that will start at the next session that starts in September. He said he hoped to bring "a renewed atmosphere of conciliation, cooperation and shared commitment in.
Munich Security Conference opens focusing on 'unlearning helplessness'
There is a mounting feeling of "helplessness" in many societies across the world in the face of a growing number of crises and conflicts, according to a security report published ahead of the conference on Friday. Man-made problems can be solved by man, Ischinger said, calling on everyone to collectively unlearn and overcome helplessness, Xinhua news agency. Participants in the high-profile conference are also scheduled to discuss the ongoing tension around Ukraine.
Security situation in Pakistan remains grim
According to statistics released by Islamabad-based think-tank Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS), the number of violent attacks in January 2022 decreased to 24 from 28 the previous month, although the rate of deaths and injuries increased by 15 per cent and 37 per cent, respectively, as compared to December 2021.