
Two Indian-American start-ups likely to be next unicorns: Report  
The list includes Alchemy, co-founded by Nikil Viswanathan and Joseph Lau. It also featured Legion Technologies, founded by Sanish Mondkar. Alchemy makes it easier to read and write information onto blockchains, such as Ethereum and Flow, reports Forbes Africa. The service starts free for smaller developers, but larger customers pay a monthly fee.
Nikhil Kamath, India's youngest billionaire cheated in charity chess match: Report
In 2000, a 14-year-old Nikhil Kamath, the son of a bank manager and music teacher, dropped out of school and got a job. In 2010, he co-founded Zerodha, a discount brokerage outfit. By 2019, with no external financing, Zeroda became the largest retail stock broker in India. Current daily turnover has reached $10 billion.