adult health

4 myths about heart failure  
Roughly 8 to 10 million individuals in India alone suffer from heart failure. It is a serious, chronic, progressive condition, with a significantly associated burden. However, despite heart failure being a major public health challenge in our country, it remains poorly understood and neglected.
7 tips to well groomed hands
clean and maintained hands boost confidence in their daily life activities. Therefore, it's important to keep your hands clean irrespective of your gender by washing or sanitizing at regular intervals. And, to keep them groomed, you don't have to visit a salon
Are young Indians at a higher risk of heart disease?
This increased risk of heart disease in young Indians is due to a combination of inherited genes as well as environmental factors. Unfortunately, these environmental factors have only worsened the risk over time. Working long hours, often in stressful jobs and sleeping less has become the new normal in our lives. Modern work setups involve sitting a lot and not exercising and this can nearly double the risk of poor heart health.
Over 60% of people ignore early signs of poor nerve heath: Survey
The survey, by Heal Health and Hansa Research, and supported by Procter and Gamble Health, was conducted among 1,800 respondents across 12 cities to gauge the awareness levels and perceptions about nerve health among Indians, and its findings revealed that people have limited knowledge about this issue.
Delhi hospital sees 2-fold rise in adolescents with anxiety, depression
Covid pandemic, associated mandatory protocols, and restricted life of adolescents within the four walls of their homes, remote learning, the increased use of the internet, are some of the reasons, the hospital said in a statement on Wednesday. Being restricted to homes has increased screen time, reduced physical activities and increased the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle.
Global suicide deaths up by 20K in last 30 years: Study
The analysis, published online in the journal Injury Prevention, showed that suicide rates are highest among those aged more than 70 in almost all regions of the world. A team of researchers from the University of Hong Kong, drew on data from the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2019, providing population estimates for 204 countries and territories for 1950-2019 by location, age, and sex.
Heart-related test may indicate death risk in Covid patients
Although SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing Covid-19, primarily affects the respiratory tract, it also leads to cardiovascular complications including severe arrhythmias, acute coronary syndromes, myocarditis and pulmonary embolism. A team of researchers from the University of Salerno in Italy, examined 1,401 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19 who were admitted.
Steam your face for glowing skin
Helps in cleansing -- Face steaming opens your pores, allowing dead skin cells, dirt, and other impurities that clog pores to be released. If you have blackheads, a face steam can soften them and make removal easier. When blackheads and whiteheads remain on the skin for an extended period of time, they can become painful. However, steaming opens up your pores, loosens the gunk inside, and thoroughly cleanses your face.
Keeping your brain active may delay dementia by 5 years
The research, published in the online issue of journal journal Neurology, looked at 1,978 people with an average age of 80 who did not have dementia at the start of the study and were followed for seven years. People with the highest levels of activity, on average, developed dementia at age 94. The people with the lowest cognitive activity, on average, developed dementia at age 89, a difference of five years.
New Kerastase Chronologiste range launched
The passage of time is no longer a concern reserved for the middle-aged among us. Women are seeking out youth-preserving products beginning, on average, around age 26, half the age than the previous generation. To answer to the new demand, Kerastase has identified 6 dimensions of ageing scalp and hair, targeting each one with powerful formulas from the rejuvenated Chronologiste range.