Manu Bhaker, the shooting sensation of young India, is a sensational talent, be it in the range or out on it. Coming from a small town in Haryana, this young player has proved that the grace of sports enables one to rise at levels only due to her fiercest competitive spirit ever. Beyond that, however, is the girl with a lovely and multi-faceted personality that has endeared her to fans across the globe. With the beaming smiles that came after winning to light, playful moments with family and friends, it's off-field where the alternate side of Manu comes out; an agreeably captivating persona to say the least. She generously shares such moments on her social media, because in almost all those photos and videos, handling life as a world-class athlete and a down-to-earth young lady is seen at its utmost ease. Be it posing in her classy traditional attire, a quiet present with her pets, or even sharing fitness moments, each and every picture shows a glance at the various versions in her life. These are images that show a very contrasting warm, approachable side of Manu, which is genuinely at variance from the steely focus she puts on display during competitions. Here are the top 10 pictures that define this great athlete, defining the other side of Manu Bhaker's jovial personality.