The 5k's or Kakars in Sikhism mark the creation of Khalsa Panth by Guru Gobind Singh JI in the year 1699. The Guru marked these 5 symbols as the mark of identity for the Sikh brothers and sisters of Khalsa. Each k or symbol has its own significance and is disrespected pure heartedly. The 5 Ks are taken together to symbolize that the Sikh who wears them has dedicated themselves to a life of devotion and submission to the Guru. These 5ks are worn physically by Khalsa followers who have devoted their life to spirituality. Every baptized Sikh has to carry all these 5k's with them all time, i.e 24/7. "Khalsa mero roop hai khaas. Khalsa mai ho karo nivaas... The Khalsa is my image. Within the Khalsa I reside." Every Sikh remembers that every Sikh warrior, saint, or martyr since 1699, and every living member of the Khalsa, is united with them in having adopted the same 5 Ks.  ( Photo Source: Sikh Missionary Society (UK)  
