Eating protein or drinking protein: Which is better?
Archi Garg, Nutritionist at Chicnutrix, shares her expert opinion to help you make the right choice. Average daily requirement: Firstly, it is important to understand the average daily protein requirement for every individual. Protein in any form, either natural or artificial, is very essential to carry out normal body functions.
Are you taking the right supplements?
Supplements are readily available and do not even need a prescription at times, but there are better ways of taking this path. Consult an expert, don't be one! Our busy schedules have no space for a nutrition-rich diet and we have become too comfortable with the sedentary lifestyle. Junk food, an imbalanced sleep routine, mental stress.
Listening to music can make your medicines more effective: Study
While previous studies have used music-listening interventions as a tool to treat pain and anxiety, a team from the Michigan State University in the US took a novel approach by studying the effects of music-listening interventions on chemotherapy-induced nausea.
You don't have to quit sugar to lose weight
Giving up sugar probably won't improve your health more than eating fewer ultra-processed foods, more vegetables, preparing your own meals, and cutting back on added sugar. The sugar-free diet enforces an arbitrary set of recommendations that aren't backed up by research and is, at best, unclear. A diet this strict could, at worst, result in anxiety related to food or a bad connection with food. You don't have to stop consuming sweets, though, in order to alter your eating patterns.
Adding colours to your plate aids in managing your weight
According to Azhar Ali Sayed, a holistic health coach, utilising intriguing and healthful concepts, you can make your food both tasty and nutritious. She says, "A novel way to eat well is to stick to a rainbow diet. As the name implies, a rainbow diet emphasises eating more colourful foods . Fruit and vegetables must be a part of a healthy diet.
When Rheumatoid Arthritis affects your lungs
RA is more than just a joint disease. The inflammatory process also affects several other parts of the body. The most frequently affected are the lungs, besides skin, eyes, digestive system, heart, and blood vessels. The lung conditions that occur in patients with RA are of several types. More than 25 per cent of patients with RA will eventually develop lung conditions and diseases in their lifetime.
Breakfast on the Go?
However, as we grew and got trapped in hectic schedules, breakfast became the last thing on our to-do list. Our priorities somehow changed and the worst part is we do not even have realization of the negative impact this negligence has on our health. It feels difficult to have a proper breakfast as we are running out of time so much.