Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Monday tore into the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, over his remarks on the recent Hindenburg report and its probable fallout on the bourses. Singh branded Gandhi an "enemy" of the country for creating 'needless' panic and confusion among people.
He had said that the stock market could become risky to invest in after reading the Hindenburg report, which Singh finds a mere attempt to bluff the people. He said that Gandhi's privilege background and theoretical ideas about the country and its grassroots realities, especially about the weavers, bound his understanding of the country's problems. According to Singh, only Prime Minister Modi really felt for the poor and the importance of their livelihood.
Speaking at the Handloom Expo in New Delhi, Singh said, "Rahul Gandhi's ignorance of the issues of weavers is quite visible. Prime Minister Modi is the only leader who truly understands and respects the poor."
Singh did not just stop here but went on to nail Gandhi for propagating ill information and rumors and trying to instill fear amongst people. He said that Gandhi was doing domestic and international propaganda and spreading rumors about India, which is actually detrimental to the country.
On the contrary, he appreciated an effort made by PM Modi in the sense of supporting the Khadi Handloom and Handicraft sector, giving employment avenues to more than 1 crore people with over 25 lakh lakhs count in the informal sector. He insisted on digitizing and modernizing the sector with technology and connecting the weavers to NIFT for fabric designing upliftment and color innovation.
Singh also brought out the fact that there is great domestic demand for handloom products such as sarees, dhotis, and kurtas. He expressed confidence in his ability to engage newer and younger consumers with more contemporary designs and forecast growth in the handloom and handicraft sectors. He noted that 90 percent of the world's handloom products come from India and expected both domestic sales and exports to go up on account of the global move towards green products having lower carbon footprint.
In addition, Singh conveyed his condolences to the families of the deceased in the recent Bihar temple stampede.
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