SP chief Akhilesh Yadav Saturday asked for a DNA test on SP leader Moin Khan, who has been accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl in Ayodhya. Akhilesh's demand came after Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati's question over the Samajwadi Party's stand on the matter.
Moin Khan is believed to be a close associate of Awadhesh Prasad, the Samajwadi Party MP from Faizabad.
Earlier, the local authorities demolished Khan's bakery in the Ayodhya's Purakalandar police station area, where the alleged assault took place with the involvement of Khan and his servant.
Akhilesh Yadav took to social media platform X and said, "Justice will come out from DNA test. The allegations and the political discourses are not going to bring justice. The law should take its full course against them in case the accused are found to be guilty. And if the DNA test proves to be baseless, then too action must be taken against the concerned government officials. This is our call for justice.".
Mayawati turned her guns on Akhilesh Yadav, questioning why the SP was now batting for DNA testing and how many such tests were conducted during their own governance. She emphasized the growing misgivings over crime and law enforcement, particularly with regard to women's safety, and hence the need for the government to address these beyond caste and political interests.
While Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath responded to the issue in the Assembly on Friday, he attacked the Samajwadi Party over its failure to act against the accused. No guilty person would be allowed to get away, he asserted.
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