Bollywood star Parineeti Chopra, who is just coming off the streaming biopic 'Amar Singh Chamkila,' said that according to her, what impacts a person's attitude or stance towards life is just their mindset.
She wrote in the caption, “This month, I took some time to pause and reflect on life and it has reiterated my belief… Mindset is everything. Don’t give importance to unimportant things (or people). Don’t waste a single second. Life is a ticking clock.”
Chopra also had some words of wisdom on finding happiness; how every moment needed to be a choice. She told them to live for themselves rather than to please others.
“Find your tribe and be unafraid of throwing toxic people out of your life. Stop caring about what the world will think. Change the way you react to situations. Life is finite. It is happening now. Live it the way YOU want to live it,” she added.
On the personal front, Chopra has been spending quality time with her husband, politician Raghav Chadha. Recently, the couple spent their time watching a Wimbledon tennis match together. They celebrated their wedding on 24 September last year, in an intimate private ceremony at The Leela Palace in Udaipur, Rajasthan.
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